Kim shared a peek at her new spread for Love Magazine on her Twitter page. The picture also appeared on her Instagram page yesterday but has since been deleted – it shows Kim standing in the buff with her back towards the camera with the word ‘Kim Wears Prada’ on her bare behind. Below is her nude cover for paper magazine, viewer discretion is advised.
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Kim Kardashian Goes Nude Yet Again!
Kim shared a peek at her new spread for Love Magazine on her Twitter page. The picture also appeared on her Instagram page yesterday but has since been deleted – it shows Kim standing in the buff with her back towards the camera with the word ‘Kim Wears Prada’ on her bare behind. Below is her nude cover for paper magazine, viewer discretion is advised.
Getting paid is all that matters...
ReplyDeleteMaheeda work harder u hear?(no
pun intended)